
404 Error 19/03/2025

We are aware of a 404 error that some patients have been experiencing when trying to submit their prescription request. We are trying to find and fix the source of the issue currently. If you are experiencing this issue please submit your request by handing it into the Practice, asking the Pharmacy to request on your behalf or please wait a while and try the website again. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. 

Information about medication is available from NHS Scotland here:  Medicines information - Tests & treatments | NHS inform

Information about pharmacies in Scotland, including what conditions they can treat directly without a prescription, is available here: Pharmacy services in Scotland | NHS inform



Please be aware that current turnaround times mean that you should give a full 4 working days for the Practice to process your prescription requests. This may be longer around a Public Holiday. Please plan ahead and make your requests in plenty of time.


Request a Repeat Prescription

What is a Repeat Prescription?

A Repeat Prescription is one where your GP has authorised repeat issues of medication in your medical record which is valid until your next annual birthday review check is due.

Where do I get my medicines from?

The Practice is not a dispensing practice – your medication needs to be issued by a pharmacy.

In an emergency

If you receive repeat prescriptions from us, local pharmacies can issue a short supply of most medicines. This is at the discretion of the pharmacist, and you must renew your usual prescription as soon as possible.

If you are away, most pharmacies in the UK can also provide this service.

Requesting a prescription

Simply fill in the practice request form and your request will be submitted to the practice electronically.        

You can also order your medicines by ticking the items you need on the counterfoil of your last prescription and submit this to the practice. There is no need for an accompanying letter and, if you are bringing your request to reception, we prefer that you do not use an envelope.
If the top left corner of your counterfoil doesn’t mention your preferred collection point, or if you would like to change its usual destination, please write where you would like to collect your prescription in the top right corner of your counterfoil.

Local Pharmacies

These pharmacies either collect prescriptions from us to process or we have mailing envelopes to mail prescriptions to them. Many of them can set up a SMS message to your phone when you medication is ready to collect – this needs to be discussed with your pharmacy, we can not set it up for you.

List of pharmacies that collect prescriptions from the practice:

Name Address Phone Number
Apple Pharmacy 65 Dalry Road, Edinburgh, EH11 1BZ 0131 337 4838
Boots Pharmacy 207-209 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4QT 0131 447 6188
The Bruntsfield Pharmacy (Formerly Lloyds) 129 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh, EH10 4EQ 0131 563 6824
Clear Pharmacy (formerly Co-op) 26 Brougham Place, Tollcross, Edinburgh, EH3 9JU 0131 229 7948
Craiglockhart Pharmacy 2 Craiglockhart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1BU 0131 455 7168
Dears Pharmacy 7 Oxgangs Broadway, Edinburgh, EH13 9LQ 0131 445 1925
Dears Pharmacy (Formerly Well Pharmacy) 55A-57A Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3AA 0131 667 1992
Lindsay & Gilmour 18-20 Comiston Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5QE 0131 447 2336
Lindsay & Gilmour 107 Slateford Road, Edinburgh, EH11 1QY 0131 337 3405
Lorimers Pharmacy 153 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4AX 0131 447 2041
M&D Green (Fountainbridge) 179 Dundee Street, Edinburgh, EH11 1BY 0131 229 8281
Marchmont Pharmacy 41-43 Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1EU 0131 228 6677
MacKenzie’s Pharmacy 45 Forrest Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2QP 0131 225 7770
New Town (formery Rightdose) Pharmacy 6 Eyre Place, Edinburgh EH3 5EP 0131 556 1908
Omnicare Pharmacy 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1PR 0131 667 2151
Omnicare Pharmacy 1 Ardmillan Terrace, Edinburgh, EH11 2JN 0131 337 1604
Paton & Finlay Pharmacy 177 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh, EH10 4DG 0131 229 2110
Polwarth Pharmacy 10 Polwarth Gardens Edinburgh EH11 1LW 0131 229 3199
Right Medicine 2 Beaufort Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1AG 0131 447 9610
Right Medicine (formerly W. Kings) 142 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1AQ 0131 447 2198
Tollcross Pharmacy 2 Home Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9LY 0131 229 7778


List of pharmacies we post prescriptions to:

Name Address Phone Number
Boots Pharmacy 10a Buckstone Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 6PZ 0131 445 1157
Boots Pharmacy 10 Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 9JR 0131 317 1288
Boots Pharmacy 16-20 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh EH3 9BN 0131 229 5700
Boots Pharmacy 21, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre, 6 Lady Rd, Edinburgh, EH16 5PB 0131 666 1111
Boots Pharmacy 28-30 Newington Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1QS 0131 667 3008
Boots Pharmacy 121-127 St James Square, Edinburgh, EH1 3AD 0131 557 2632
Colinton Pharmacy 46A Bridge Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0LQ 0131 441 2352

*please note - we use royal mail delivery service for those so it might take longer for your prescription to be ready - please allow additional 3 working days when placing your order.

If you do not have your counterfoil, simply write your name, address, date of birth and a list of the required medication on a piece of paper. Please note that the staff have been instructed by the doctors not to accept telephone requests in order to ensure mistakes are not made.

You should ask for your repeat medication well in advance of needing it. Please ask for everything you will need during the next month as it will be easier for us than dealing with several prescriptions for one individual during the course of a month. Please remember that we deal with a large number of prescription requests every day and it is difficult for the staff and the doctors to process last minute urgent requests.

If you are consulting a doctor

They will be happy to arrange printing your repeat prescription during your consultation. Please do not, however, request prescriptions for other members of your family at your consultation. These should be requested in the normal way.

Prescription collection

You can collect your prescription directly from your preferred pharmacy.

It can also be mailed to you if you have supplied us with a stamped addressed envelope. If you are using the postal service to send your request and receive your prescription back, we suggest you allow seven days. We can mail it back to you without waiting for the SAE to save some time, but we change a £1 fee for postage and admin costs. We can take payment by card over the phone.

Notice Period

Please allow 4 WORKING DAYS for your prescription to be processed by the Practice.